I’d never given much thought to the expression about seeing a glass as half full or half empty, but the other night, as I was enjoying a glass of wine, I couldn’t help observing that it appeared to be at that critical point in time.
My first inclination was to grab the bottle and fill it to the top again since this would indicate that I saw the glass as half full and by most accounts this is considered the more positive approach. Then it occurred to me that perhaps the expression might mean that by seeing the glass as half empty I should moderate my consumption accordingly. If I saw the glass as half full then I would continuously consume and probably wouldn’t enjoy it as much.
In these tough times ad spends are being closely monitored and it seems like understanding that the glass is not bottomless is important. When you see the glass as half empty you tend to savor each sip more and in the advertising world that equates to utilizing your advertising dollars as effectively as possible.
On the other side of the coin, growing up my mom used to always say “Today is the first day of the rest of your life” and this expression has always been a mantra for me. Could you imagine your advertising firm saying “Today is the last day since the beginning of my life”.
In either case, knowing what “full” actually means indicates that your expectations have already been set. I like to think of it as just a glass of wine that comes from a bottle that comes from a barrel that comes from a vineyard.
So whether the glass is half full or half empty, enjoy what you have and try to facilitate a way to maximize it’s full potential. After all it’s the same old wine it’s just in a different bottle.